Consortium of continuous process enabling sustainable chemistry or CES-CHEM is an academic and research consortium with objectives to promote research and technology development related to flow chemistry and continuous manufacturing. The consortium was found in 2023 with an initiative support from the ASEAN University Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net). 

As the field of flow chemistry and continuous manufacturing of chemicals have been growing considerably during the last decade, both academia and industries have begun to adopt and implement continuous-flow technologies into a wide range of chemical processes such as synthesis of pharmaceuticals, fine chemicals, and nanoparticles. The research work in this field is also becoming interdisciplinary by integrating multiple disciplines such as robotics, automation, and machine learning, to allow the continuous-flow processes to be conducted with minimal human intervention. 
To respond to this rapid growth of the field, researchers in 
South East Asia, Japan, and South Africa, plans to organize a consortium with the aim of accelerating the research advancement in this field. To the best of our knowledge, this consortium will be the first in this region. The consortium members will consist of researchers and experts from both academia (Burapha University, Thailand; Kyushu University, Japan; Kyoto University, Japan; National University of Singapore, Singapore; Nelson Mandela University, South Africa) and partners (AIST, Japan; Hitachi, Japan; EYELA, Japan; iFactory, Japan). Through such strong partnerships with private sectors and industries, the consortium will develop technologies in alignment with the industry’s needs.